Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It’s That Time Again

Wow, what a shocker. We are cursed with yet another round of shitty weather here in the Charlotte area. I don’t particularly care to talk about the weather all the time here, but it affects me a lot. When you like riding bicycles and being outside a much as I do, then the weather can have an adverse effect. We did have a good time on our snowy weekend, but now we’ve been dealt a round of cold rain. I’m starting to think that I will never get to ride a bicycle outside ever again. Calgon take me away.

Since there’s not a whole lot of bicycle stuff to talk about today, I thought that it might be time again for another installment of my Internets Art Collection. I have plenty of these things to use on a rainy day (oh how fitting.) Enjoy.

I have to say that I’ve never seen anything like this one before. While I admire his ingenuity, I can’t help but wonder how safe this thing is. Judging from the rolled-up sleeves on the rider, I’d say he’s down for a little danger.

While this is not an actual bicycle, per se, it still has a place amongst the collection. It serves as a warning to riders that you shouldn’t turn your handlebars sideways when there are chunks missing from the road. From the looks of the sign, someone found out the hard way.

This one takes us back to much simpler times. Way back when you could hang out in front of the White House without getting harassed by Secret Service agents, this couple was enjoying a nice day riding down Pennsylvania Avenue. Mr. President, would you like to try this fancy four-wheeled machine?

This one serves as a lesson. If you see your front wheel that far ahead of you, don’t try to reach out and grab it. You could end up dead or worse.

Do you enjoy music, but hate carrying around that bulky Ipod? Well, here’s an idea for you. Bust out the violin and create your own playlist. Just make sure you dress the part. The London Symphony Orchestra may be watching you.

Remember Harrison Ford, the guy who played Han Solo, Indiana Jones, and other action heroes? Well, that guy is apparently no more. He is a kinder, gentler man now. I mean, could you be a tough guy with a flowery basket on your bike?

Keeping with the celebrity theme, here is pop star/actress/former Fly Girl Jennifer Lopez taking it to the streets. I guess J-Lo is trying to keep her giant ass from turning into Jell-O. What the hell is she wearing anyway?

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. Don’t worry dear sinner, my bicycle-confessional booth and I will come to you. Who has time to go to church these days anyway?

I know cycling can be a dangerous sport, but our boys in the desert have taken it to a whole new level. With 100 pounds of gear, no wonder the back tire is flat. Maybe that’s why the kids are laughing. Or maybe they’re crying because he just traded them a crappy Hummer for that nice bike. Who knows.

That’s it for today, my friends. I hope you enjoyed this latest installment of my Internets Art Collection. And I also hope that the weather around here improves so I can actually talk about my own bicycle-related adventures, rather than living vicariously through others. Tune in tomorrow; same Bat time, same Bat channel.

1 comment:

Felix Ernesto Arias said...

A picture showing a corean soldier on a bicycle appeared in the news shortly after the 3rd corean nuclear test.
Here a closer view on this picture: