Since I didn’t really do shit last night, all I have to talk about today is what I’m doing this weekend. Well, actually it’s not even about what I’m doing. This weekend is more about Little Miss Sunshine and Lunchbox than it is me, and I’m quite okay with that. We’ll start with Little Miss Sunshine I guess.

Yup, she’s doing her first triathlon, the Ramblin' Rose. It’s a women-only triathlon and according to the website, “it is a celebration of empowerment of women.” The event consists of a 250 meter pool swim, 9 mile bike and 2 mile run. The series offers three events at different locations in North Carolina, but since we live in Charlotte, she’ll be doing this one:
Ramblin Rose Charlotte
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Huntersville Family Fitness and Aquatic Center
Huntersville, NC
I’m really glad she’s doing this. In fact, I’ve been hoping that she would get into triathlons because she’s already doing the three events on a regular basis. She swims more than I do, rides her bike all the time, and has competed in several running events already. She’s more than ready to tear it up in her first ever tri, and I’m pretty proud of her. In fact, I fully expect that she could get on the podium if everything goes as planned. However, she does share the same mechanic as I do, so maybe we should cross our fingers.
There will be a lot of people there to support her, inclduing myself, Lunchbox, The Dirty Party Cycle, the Mom of Little Miss Sunshine (making a special trip here from way up near the Arctic Circle), and a host of other friends and aquantances. As an added bonus, the Chili Man’s better half will be there competing in her first triathlon as well. This should be a fun day, and I wish them the best of luck. With over 1200 people registered, it will be a huge event (and plenty crowded I might add.) Hopefully I’ll get out on the course and get some photos.
What else? Well, a couple of weeks ago Lunchbox had a birthday. Even though we celebrated with a nice family dinner, another party is in order. Since his birthday is so close to the beginning of the school year, we usually wait a few weeks to have a party. This year is no exception. We will be having a party for Lunchbox and 10 of his closest friend at a local skatepark, and it looks like even me and The Dirty Party Cycle will be busting out our skateboards for this special occasion. After a long day of cheering on our triathlon competetors, we get to relax with a nice skate session that evening. Should be lots o’ fun. If anything, it will give me something to talk about next week other than the Tree Shaker 12 Hour Mountain Bike Race (which will still see plenty of blog time, trust me.)
By the way, I’m taking Monday off, so if you come here expecting words of wisdom or even a mildly entertaining blog post, you will be shit out of luck. Well, that pretty much sums up every day around here anyway, so at least y’all are used to it. See ya Tuesday.
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