There is no reason to look backwards to my shitty race on Wednesday, so I’ll just look ahead. This weekend is shaping up to be a pretty good one. I would love nothing more than to immerse myself in the “bike scene” for the next two days, and it looks like I might get my wish. If I was wishing for a nice relaxing weekend though, then that one probably won’t come true.
If all goes well, I’ll be heading out to the U.S. National Whitewater Center after work today for some quality time on The Big O. I’m hoping to “ride ‘till I puke”, which just might be the case if the MadSS joins me there. Hooray! On second thought, maybe I’ll just take the mountain Uni out to Sherman for a different kind of fun. Either way, I’m in for some pain.

Tomorrow morning, we’re heading down to the Dilworth Criterium to watch a little roadie action. I know, I know, it’s roadie action, but it will be pretty cool. A criterium is a pretty neat thing to watch, since they do multiple laps on a short course. Plus, they haul ass, so that could make for some interesting crashes and close-calls. Check out the website for more info, and come on out too. I even heard that the good people from DeFeet International will be there. Come down and get some cool socks while you watch some super-fast roadie action. Damn, that sounded weird.
Sunday should be fun as well. It is the next scheduled Tarheel Trailblazers Kids Ride, but we’re changing it up a bit. This week’s ride was supposed to be at Sherman Branch, but we’ve decided to move it. There is already a club function at Fisher Farm park in Davidson, so we are combining the two. If the weather cooperates, then this will be a fun, fun time. Check out the website for more details, and come on out if you live around here.
I know, it’s not that exciting around here today, but deal with it. My weekend should be packed full of cycling goodness, the likes of which I haven’t seen in a long time. In fact, from now on there will be plenty of bike stuff going on, and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t forget, the 6 Hour Grind On The Greenway is coming up next weekend too. Will I survive it all? Tune in to find out.
Before I get out of here, I thought I would let a little of my inner bike geek come out for a minute. I really dig all of the technical crap that goes along with bicycling, so I thought I would share a video with y’all. My buddy Jason from Cane Creek Cycling Components stars in a nice video presentation about Cane Creek headsets. Check it:
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