After getting in a decent ride on Friday, I pretty much had all day Saturday to do some things around the house. Of course, those things involved bike stuff. First thing was to get rid of the shitty headset on my singlespeed bike.

Since I needed to take my geared bike apart for some maintenance, I took the Cane Creek headset off of it and put in on my SS.
Even with a blurry photo, it still looked better.

Notice the Bike29 bottle opener on the headset spacer stack. I took it off a while back and misplaced it somehow. Just as I was about to give up and ask for another one, I found it. You can get one for yourself here.
After cleaning and re greasing everything on The Big O, I put it back together…with my brand new 110 headset. The red really looks nice against the black frame.

After a quick tune-up, I was back in business. A clean bike is a happy bike.

Oops, I forgot to put my Awesome Strap back on the seatpost before I took the photo. Blasphemy. I can assure you it went right back on though.
I did add one more accessory though:

Yes, Lord Vader will now accompany me on my rides.
All that work actually didn’t take very long, so I grabbed some tools and rode over to my new “secret” trail for some work.

I had a few more sections planned out, so I got busy building trail.

Lunchbox rode over with me, and we got a lot done. I rerouted one section that I didn’t feel flowed very well, and we tested it out. We also used a downed tree to make a little rollover/jump. Lunchbox drew the shortest straw and ended up with the honor of testing our very first trail feature.

It didn’t move at all, probably because we packed it full of dirt for support. We even hit at full speed, and it makes for a nice jump. There is plenty of space to land on either side (the trail is designed to be ridden both directions.) We have several of these planned for the next phase too.
We spent about three hours on Saturday, and I went back Sunday morning to do a little bit more. I cut one more section of trail, and we will go back this weekend to put in some features. We’re even thinking about a ladder drop and a skinny. Basically we’ll cram as much shit as we can in our little neighborhood trail.
The trail is coming along nicely, and I’m really surprised at how well it rides. The Dirty Party Cycle even got in a ride, and he liked what he saw. We have our own little playground near the house, and it will only get better. Well, until something else comes along and grabs my attention. Hopefully I can keep up the excitement and stick to this.
1 comment:
Busted!!!! Put lunchbox in time-out!! No helmet!!! That's not gonna look good on his resume!!! LOL....
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