It's almost here. Am I talking about the 2010 Race Season? Nope. I'm talking about the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas. I realize that maybe all of my viewers don't celebrate this day, but I'm sure that the majority of you do (since the majority of you are here in the United States.) I'm actually looking forward to it this year, and not just for the cool new bike parts I might be getting. Someone posted last week on the Tarheel Trailblazers message board about remembering what this holiday is about. There were lots of responses to that post (including religified ones), but my favorite was, and I quote, "Bike parts we do not have to buy? That is what it means to me this year." I thought that was hilarious, and so true. Little Miss Sunshine put me on a parts buying hiatus that started before my birthday back in November, so I am hoping that I get some parts that were on my wish list. I also filled out another wish list from a yet-to-be-named sponsor, but that won't arrive until after the holiday season (hopefully in time to start my race season.) More on the new sponsor later, I promise.
So, are you done with your shopping? Are the presents wrapped and nestled snugly under the tree? Did you even get a Christmas tree yet? What are you waiting for? Here at the B-43 Worldwide Headquarters we are ready to celebrate. We are starting the festivities tomorrow morning with a three hour drive to our state capitol, Raleigh, so we can spend some quality time with my brother-in-law and his family. I'm looking forward to that. We'll only spend Christmas Eve there, returning that night to the B-43 Headquarters. The next morning my mom is coming in from Smallville to open presents and have a huge meal with us. There's even a rumor that the Dirty Party Cycle will join us for the festivities. Now if only Mr. Shepherd would skip his sunny Florida Christmas to join the rest of his B-43 teammates, we would have a real crazy holiday.
Anyway, as you can probably guess, I won't be here tomorrow or the next few days either. I'm taking a break from work, so that also means I'm taking a break from the blog. Hopefully I'll come back with some fresh material to captivate you, my loyal followers. I hope that you get every thing that you wanted for Christmas and then some. As for me, I think I've been nice instead of naughty, so I'm hoping to clean up presents-wise. I know that Little Miss Sunshine and Lunchbox will, and they deserve it. I'm not sure where the presents will come from though, since I hear that Santa has been a little naughty this year, what with the recession and all.

Merry Christmas from our B-43 dysfunctional family to your dysfunctional family!
Here is a present/preview for you:
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