No, not that kind of fats.
This weekend will be chock full of mountain bike action. Tomorrow morning, we are meeting a huge group of folks form the area to head down to the Forks Area Trail System, better known as FATS. It’s kind of a long drive from Charlotte, since it is down near Augusta, Georgia. From what I hear though, it’s worth it. I “quoted” this from the website:
“Very few technical features make FATS a great place to get beginners hooked on the sport, and the excellent flow, pump track like feel, and high speed sections combined with lots of mileage keeps bringing the seasoned riders back for more time and time again.”
Sounds like it will be fun, fast, and flowy. I can’t wait. If you’re lucky, I might even ride with my camera to get some good video. I’ll try to remember to take lots of photos, but I can’t promise anything. It may be too much fun and I am likely to forget.
Sunday, we’re having anotherTarheel Trailblazers Kids Ride. So far, it looks like we will have a good turnout, and I’m pretty happy about that. I’ll probably be a little tired from riding the day before, but our slow pace out on the trail should make it enjoyable. We’ll be at Sherman Branch at 1:00 p.m., so come on out if you’re local and want a fun, easy ride. Oh yeah, bring the kids.
That’s pretty much it for today. I’m going riding. You can sit in front of your old-ass computer all day.

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