Tuesday, October 21, 2014

On Dirt

Saturday started off like Sunday.  Up early, household responsibilities taken care of, then work calls.  My (lack of) plans were delayed, but not derailed.  I had a mountain bike on my truck, but no destination in mind.  I knew I wanted to see some dirt, rocks, and trees, but nothing local sounded appealing.  That’s when I remembered that there is a new(ish) trail across the river that I hadn’t ridden yet.

Rocky Branch, across the Catawba River over in the town of Belmont, is a trail that I’d walked before but never ridden.  I knew I couldn’t get in a super long ride anywhere since I was on a leash for work, so at ~3 miles this place seemed appropriate.  Turns out it didn’t matter where I rode, as long as I hit the dirt.

The trail looked fun back when I walked it a few months ago and riding it confirmed that.  It’s a bit out of the way for me but definitely worth the trip.  There were just enough jumps, rocks, and fast downhills to make it fun, and there were even a few climbs in there to make me work a little bit.

One thing I didn’t see the last time I was there was the new “advanced” section.

It started with a small rock garden and ran alongside a creek.

There were some steepish drop ins, and they led into some sort of Warrior Creek style canyon thingy.

The crew out there has been putting in a ton of work to build this thing, and they plan to do a lot more.  Just as I finished my first lap, I ran into a few of the guys that did most of the work.  I did another lap with them, and we spent some extra time out there looking at future sections and reroutes.  I see a lot of potential out there for sure.  I’ll be there for the next work day, and definitely to ride again. 

Sometimes riding something different (no matter how short), is a good thing.  Kinda keeps things fresh, you know?

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