I'm actually not talking about the road bike this time. This weekend, it looks like I’ll be doing a lot of traveling. First things first, it’s back to racing. After a month-long break from the Southern Classic Series, I’ll be hitting the road once again. This time, I’ll be in Greensboro, NC for the Sizzler. This is another trail that I’ve never ridden before, so I’m pretty excited about going to a new place. It’s been a while since I’ve actually “raced” though, so I’ll have to remember what that’s like.
I’m not sure if I like having such a long break between races though. Sure, I got in some good rides in the meantime (and also got away on a vacation), but my skills may be a bit off. I keep having thoughts of getting dropped at the start, and damn near dying while I try to catch back up. I have a plan (for once), but I probably won’t stick to it. I’ll hopefully be able to hang with the main group on the first lap, and get a little familiar with the course. After that, I can go balls out for the next two laps. In reality, I’ll probably end up going balls out to keep up with the leaders at first and then burn out, having nothing left for the rest of the race. I guess we’ll see how it all plays out. Eighteen miles seems like a lot for some reason, but that’s probably because it will be at “race pace.”
The road trip doesn’t stop there though. After a couple of surprise vacation days and some last minute plans, Lunchbox and I are taking ourselves a little further north right after the race. We are returning to our nation’s capital (which is Washington, D.C. in case you’re a dumbass and don’t know what that is.) We’re going to visit some family, and most importantly, enjoy my other obsession…football. I don’t talk sports too much on here, but (in case you were unaware) I am a diehard Washington Redskins fan. Lunchbox and I are heading up there to attend the last day of training camp, and we’re pretty excited. We’ll get to watch them practice, and maybe Lunchbox can get a few autographs. After that we’ll run around D.C. and see the sights.
It was a last minute decision, and Little Miss Sunshine’s approval made it a reality (it was actually her idea.) She probably just wants the house to herself for a few days of peace and quiet, and she deserves it. Since Lunchbox was in Florida for the last few weeks I thought that a little father-son time was in order. The little lady was invited, but she politely declined. She’ll probably get some riding time in with her friends while I’m gone. Awesome.
What does that mean for the blog? Well, I should be back here on Wednesday morning, and most likely it will be some kind of race report from Greensboro. I won’t have time to post anything while we’re gallivanting all over Northern Virginia, so you’ll have to wait. Well, unless Mr. Shepherd want’s to pick up the slack on Monday and Tuesday.
I’m out, so I’ll see y’all next week. Don’t worry about me while I’m gone though, because a Stormtrooper has my back.

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